Questions, so many questions
Over the years, you have had a multitude of questions. Since I can't possibly answer each one individually (for the reason, please see the question "Why don't you write more books, and much faster?"), I’ve collected your most common and important questions and answering them here. Feel free to look through - I'm sure your questions are included! I try to keep the FAQs up to date and often add new questions (and answers!)
(Sorted by frequency. And no - I didn't invent a single one, I swear).
I think it is actually the other way around: the ideas find me. Thank heavens! By the way, you need much more than a single idea for a book. I usually have most of them when I start to plot the novel, but others have to give way to new ideas while I write… (they are probably insulted and talk about me behind my back).
That is a really difficult question to answer. Some ideas I have had for many years - a bit like people visiting each other in their dreams - but I simply don't have the story to wrap them in. Others come over night – a single idea is not enough for a whole book (not by a long shot). You have to put them aside and keep them alive/nourish them so that you can pull them out of the hat when the time is right.
No, the series is complete. But I wrote another book about Mimi's little sister Carolin. The German title is: In Wahrheit wird viel mehr gelogen (In truth, there is much more lying going on) .
No, Castle of Clouds is a standalone.
I'd love to. I'll bring cake, too, then. And Harry Styles. No, kidding. I'd really love to be there everywhere people talk about my books, but it's just not possible in terms of time.
Ja. Auch wenn es manchmal ziemlich lange dauert. Dazu musst du deine (vollständige!!) Adresse und den Namen (ja, auch den Nachnamen!!) per this address. If you want an additional autograph for a friend, please(!) include that in your mail. Because sometimes mails like “Dear Kerstin Gier, thank you so much for my autograph. I forgot that I also wanted an autograph for my friend Sarah. You have my address” make me burst into tears ...
For reading requests of any kind, please contact my publishing house Fischer Verlag,
Ganzjährig könnt ihr signierte Bücher über bestellen. Dort könnt Ihr am Ende des Bestellung Eure Widmungswünsche angeben und ihr findet auch einen Hinweis zur Lieferzeit.
Please send all inquiries like that to my publisher Fischer Verlag. Contact page.
Sorry, but I can’t answer questions about the movies. You have to get in touch with the producers. You can find all news regarding future movies on my Instagram page.
a) No. Even if I am terribly curious, I simply don’t have the time.
b) Leider nein. Aber im nächsten Leben werde ich Verlegerin. Ich finde es auf jeden Fall wunderbar, dass du auch schreibst und wünsche dir alles Glück der Welt für die Verlagssuche.
London is by far my favourite city! There is a story lurking behind every corner. That's why my first two trilogies for younger readers are set there. But Castle of Clouds is located in Switzerland and Matilda and Quinn from Forget-me-not are living in a major city in Germany.
No. The whole point of an internship is for you to learn something and nobody can help me write my books. Sorry. And to be honest, watching me writing is really boring, because most of the time I do nothing but stare holes into the ceiling. What is your favourite place to write?
I like to write at home in my little office. This is where I am most productive. I always envy my colleagues for their ability to write their best chapters on the train/in a café or in a hammock.
Yes, I have always loved to paint. Actually, I also make tattoos.
No, seriously, I am very happy and proud that Eva Schöffmann-Davidov designs the covers for the German editions of my novels for young readers. I could not imagine more beautiful covers in the whole world!
No. But we hopefully will meet Xemerius in London again.
Hm, ich kann mir durchaus vorstellen, dass Mia irgendwann ein neues Abenteuer im Traumkorridor erlebt … Aber auch Matilda aus Vergissmeinnicht beherrscht das Traumwandeln und Imaginieren, sie und Liv würden sich sicher bestens verstehen.
Actually I don’t have one. But I think that “You’ve got to jump off a cliff and build your wings on the way down” by Ray Bradbury would make for a nice motto. Not literally, of course.
I am not sure – maybe because in real life I always try to see something funny in a situation. It just makes life easier if you can laugh about it once in awhile.
Because I only discovered a few weeks ago that you can write messages to each other there. Waaaaah! Thousands of messages have piled up, and I can't possibly answer them all. Of course, I'm always happy to receive your kind words, and I try to read everything on Instagram, too. But you can also send me a message to this address. schicken.
Xemerius and Baximilian would be the perfect friends – I would really like to have an invisible companion who could pass through walls …
The answer is boring: always the one I am currently writing.
Handicraft. I am not sure who was more traumatized, me or the potholder that dreamt of becoming a scarf ... I also didn’t like maths. And chemistry was always horrible.
How boring would that be? But Forget-me-not abwechselnd aus Matildas und Quinns Sicht geschrieben. Ich bin gespannt, wie euch das gefällt.
Oh yes. Everyone needs a Leslie in her life. Or a Peter. My Leslie is named Biggi.
Ich liebe Lesen und Gärtnern, koche und backe gern für Freunde, bastele lustige Junkjournals und schaue viele Filme und Serien.
No, you go ahead and write that yourself! I have more than enough ideas myself, but the writing is the real work.
... now I am scared ...
Please, please stop asking me questions like these. It always takes me forever to answer them, because I have to think about them for so long. And then then answer could be something entirely different the next day. If we go on like this, I will never finish the book... (More of a shade like lapis lazuli at the moment, by the way.)
Believe me, there's nothing I'd rather do than that. When I have an idea for a book, I first think hard about it for a long time. Sometimes even years. And often, afterwards, I have something like a finished movie in my head and know my characters at heart. The challenge is that I then have to get the whole thing down on paper. And that's the hardest part.
No. Horses are not really my ... uh ... area of expertise. All I am capable of is letting them them gallop through the story decoratively ...